School Rules
School Rules
St Mary's has two guiding principles:
All individuals are valued for themselves in the sight of God and so staff and pupils treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times.
All young people have God-given talents and must work hard to develop their potential and make use of their abilities.
All rules are based on these and are shared with parents and pupils through the home school agreement via the student online planner:
- Pupils must treat each other, and staff, with courtesy and respect at all times.
- St Mary's is a place of learning. Not only are students expected to work, to maximise their own talents, they must never behave in a way which would hinder the learning of others.
- Taunting and verbal intimidation is a form of violence for which there is no place in a Christian community. It will be dealt with in accordance with stated school policy.
- Pupils are expected to behave in a polite and courteous manner both in and out of school. The school reserves the right to punish pupils for any misbehaviour out of school which is likely to damage our good name. Pupils are the school's ambassadors and high standards of behaviour are expected on their way to and from school.
- No chewing gum is permitted on site.
- School uniform must be worn correctly at all times. Outdoor coats and scarves must not be worn in classrooms. Outdoor coats and scarves must navy blue or black only. No leather or denim coats or hoodies are permitted. Ties must show seven stripes. Shirts must be tucked in.
- Extremes of hairstyle must be avoided and hair should at all times be natural in colour and well groomed. Any and every extreme as judged by the Headteacher, but specifically including those which are a combination of shaven sections contrasting with other sections of longer, scissor cut hair are not permitted. Any long hair should be tied back, not up, for the reason of safety. No makeup, no fake tan, and no nail varnish or extensions remain in place, as are other noticeable appearance altering treatments, e.g. eyebrow treatments. Facial hair can be grown by students in the Sixth Form, if tidy and well-kept, at the Head’s discretion.
- No jewellery may be worn apart from a plain cross and chain, wrist watch and one pair of plain gold or silver stud earrings in the earlobe. Please note that no jewellery of any value is to be worn. “Smart” watches are not permitted due to safeguarding issues.
- Pupils must not leave money or any other valuables in unattended bags or coat pockets. The School cannot accept responsibility for stolen property.
- Mobile phones may not be used on the school site and must be switched off at all times. If a student breaks these rules the phone will be confiscated and pupils receive a detention. The phone is returned after the detention has been completed.
- “Smart Watches” are not permitted due to their function of being able to photograph/record as they present safeguarding concerns.
- Unauthorised buying, selling and gambling is forbidden.
- Pupils caught stealing or vandalising property will be dealt with severely.
- The behaviour of a pupil outside school can be considered grounds for an exclusion.
- Possessing any illegal substance in school will probably lead to permanent exclusion.
- Bringing prohibited items into school is strictly forbidden. Prohibited items are knives and weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, legal drugs/highs, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images or material and any article that has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, cause personal injury or damage to property. Bringing vapes in any form, onto the school site is strictly forbidden. Pupils who bring any of the items onto the school site will be sanctioned accordingly and may face an exclusion or possible permanent exclusion.
- Knives or any other offensive weapons must not be brought into school. For clarity, an offensive weapon is described as a weapon or instrument, which can be used with the intention to threaten, alarm or injure. Pupils who bring any such item into school may face permanent exclusion.
The examples above are illustrative and do not act as an exhaustive list of behaviours that indicate what behaviours may lead to a permanent exclusion. Pupils may be excluded or even permanently excluded for a first or one off offence or persistent disruptive behaviour.
The school reserves the right to request that a drugs test, paid for by the parent but arranged by the school, is taken by any pupil about whom the school has evidence of their engagement with drugs or drug taking paraphernalia. Families who present evidence of financial hardship may have the test paid for by the school.
The reason for such a request is so that parents and school can identify and manage any substance experimentation from a position of knowledge. Knowing whether there is an issue, and what sort of issue, is helpful for the parent and the school. For example, it can help secure the right help for the child, as well as inform the school in a way which means the child’s safety can be better assured. The school does not believe there are reasonable grounds for objecting to such a test, and indeed might form the view that objecting is a form of hiding an issue. Such a refusal may ultimately form an act of preventing the school from doing everything possible to keep the child safe. As such, a tight Safety and Support Plan may need to be implemented, and this may restrict the child’s movements and access on and around site.
- Pupils under school-leaving age engaged in out-of-school employment must have a work permit, issued by the County Council. Details available from the school office.
- Pupils under school-leaving age who require a leave of absence must seek the permission of the school. The appropriate form is available from the Heads PA and is only granted in unique circumstances.
- Pupils must not leave the premises between 8.15am and 3.15pm unless they have an authorised appointment, in which case parents must complete the appointment section of the student planner which can be authorised by the Learning Coordinator. Pupils given permission to leave school must report to the student hub to sign out on leaving and in on their return.
- Years 7 - 11 must not be in the building during lunchtimes except to use the library, dining room, chapel, and toilet or to attend a practice, club or rehearsal. In the event of bad weather, all pupils may stay in the designated room for “Wet Weather”.
- At morning break and lunchtime, pupils may eat in the dining room or outside. ALL LITTER MUST BE PLACED IN THE BINS PROVIDED.
- No bags may be taken into the dining room or library. They must be left in form rooms wherever possible or on the shelves provided in the dining room for Years 10 and 11 and on the outside racking for Years 7-9.
- Pupils may not go to the top field unless supervised.