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The School has a clear expectations with regard to school uniform. We pride ourselves on excellence and require our students to uphold these high standards. Full uniform is compulsory and must be worn at all times. All items of clothing must be marked clearly with pupil's name.

Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with name tags. School rules regarding appropriate footwear, jewellery and haircuts are clearly set in the student planner. Please note that chewing gum is forbidden on site. Please ensure that for PE your child brings roll-on deodorant rather than deodorant cans for safety reasons.

Uniform4Kids is our uniform stockists.

Prices quoted are approximate and subject to alteration without prior notice. Parents are asked to contact the school before buying any item of uniform that they are uncertain about.

Uniform Policy & List

Please refer to the School Uniform policy & list.

Please note: items marked with an X are only available from the school uniform suppliers. All other items can be purchased from the school supplier, chain stores or sports shops.


Pop up Shops at School

Our stockists provide an onsite pop up shop facility during any Parent Information events in the school for new students. An appointment is not necessary.

Nearly New School Uniform

We welcome donations of pre-loved school uniform, and may have some available. If you would like to enquire about what items we currently have in stock or wish to request support with uniform needs, please email and mark your email “Uniform Request”. We will do all we can to assist your query and provide assistance.

Lost Property

Please ensure that all property is clearly labelled with the student’s first name and surname.

When students lose their property they should visit and look in the classroom or area where they believe the property was left. They should also speak to the member of staff who was in that class or area.

If PE kit has been misplaced in the Sports Hall or changing rooms, students should speak to a member of the PE staff to access the ‘Lost and Found’ in the accessible toilet by the PE office. 

Lost property can also be located in the Student Hub.