Students with medical needs
We would like to ensure that any student identified as having a medical or mental health care need has an up-to-date and accurate health care plan in place, informing the school of the young person’s care needs, medication and any support that may be required.
If your child has a health care need, whether physical or mental, you will need to read our Medical Conditions Policy and complete an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP document below) with clear information and guidance. This will ensure our records are accurate and up to date. Please email it to either (for on-roll students) or (for new students). Please keep a copy electronically so you can update it as and when required.
- If you need medication or medical equipment to be stored in the First Aid room at the Student Hub (e.g. inhalers, EpiPens, diabetes supplies) please complete the “Administering Medication Form” below.
- If your child has been prescribed an EpiPen, please complete and return the “AAI Consent Form” below.
Whilst we are happy to provide the appropriate medical care regarding medication on school premises and during school hours, all medication must be clearly labelled, of appropriate dosage, quantity and within date.
It is the responsibility of parents and carers to provide the school with the necessary, up-to-date information on their child’s condition (yearly and if healthcare needs change) and to provide the appropriate prescribed medication.