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Mission statement

Challenge each individual student to discover their musical potential through listening, composing and performing


Key Stage 3

  • To have a clear understanding of the notes on the piano and be able    to perform with both hands together
  • To have a reasonable understanding of how to read music treble clef music notation and chord symbols to accompany pieces
  • To have developed successful listening skills enabling them to recognise different genres of music and instruments of the orchestra
  • To explore the different elements of music from a variety of stimuli
  • To give students the skills to further their musical development (analytical, performance and compositional) to prepare them for GCSE music

Students are assessed at the end of every half term in music. They work on a performance or composition relevant to the scheme of work and then perform this to the class. Performances are mostly solo based although sometimes the scheme of work requires students to work in groups and therefore they are assessed within their pair or band. They are given a copy of the music on MS Teams to practise at home. Students are also often tested (usually in the form of a quiz) on the elements of music, music notation, note values and general music theory.

Key Stage 4

  • To develop students into dynamic and creative musicians
  • To become confident performers on their instrument by giving them opportunities for solos and ensembles through concerts and masses
  • To become competent composers for their own instrument and other ensembles
  • Through the study of set works and areas of study students learn to analyse the elements of music
  • To give students the skills to further their musical development (analytical, performance and compositional) to prepare them for A level music

Students are assessed in all 3 components in GCSE music – Performing, Composing and Listening. They are regularly asked to perform solos in front of the class and are also expected to perform within an ensemble. Practise for this is done at home or in their own time. They must also write 2 compositions for the GCSE and this is assessed on a frequent basis within lessons, with teacher feedback being given regularly. Once they have completed an Area of Study for the listening exam, they are given past paper exam questions to test their understanding and recall.

Music is a fun-filled subject that enables me to enhance my performance skills, listen to and appreciate many different genres of music and become a creative composer. It helps me become a better musician.

- Holly, Year 11