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Personal Guidance

We have an external Level 6 qualified Independent Careers Adviser to deliver Independent Careers Advice appointments to our students.

The Careers Adviser will see:

  • All Year 11 Students
  • Year 12 and 13 students who wish to have an appointment. All students in Sixth Form are offered the opportunity to have an appointment.
  • Year 10 students towards the late Summer term.
  • Any student who expresses the wish to meet with the Careers Adviser.
  • Any student who staff members believe will benefit from meeting with the Careers Advisr.


Meeting with the Careers Adviser will give our students the opportunity to receive impartial information, advice and guidance around their next steps. Students are able to look at different ways of researching career ideas they may have and identify careers which may suit their skills, abilities and personality.

Students will be provided with information regarding the whole range of options available to them post 16 and 18 so that they can make informed decisions about their best routes.

Careers Adviser appointments take place in a private setting. Students are encouraged to complete an interview preparation sheet before their appointment and a feedback sheet after their appointment. 

Students are encouraged to prepare for their careers interview by doing the following tasks on their Unifrog account:

  1. Complete (or re-complete) the Personality Quiz.
  2. In the Careers Library, identify three careers that interest them.
  3. Add an Activity or Competency which reflects a skill required for one or more of the career options you identified in the Careers Library.
  4. Create a shortlist of either college courses / sixth form courses / apprenticeships that they may be interested in.
  5. Complete the Post 16 Intentions tool on Unifrog. If students are unsure of their pathway, they are to select the option "I don't know" from the drop-down menu.

The Careers Adviser will prepare an Action Plan for the student based on their conversation, information and advice given. A copy of the Action Plan is saved in the students' locker on their Unifrog account. Students can view their Action Plan at home as they have full access to their Unifrog accounts at any time.

Form Tutors will check in with students once they have had their career appointment to ensure they are on track with any tasks set and students will have follow-up appointments with the Careers Leader.

If you would like an appointment with the Careers Adviser, or wish to attend the appointment with your child, please contact the Careers Leader via

Gatsby Benchmark 1 A Stable Careers Programme

Gatsby Benchmark 3 Addressing the Needs of Every Pupil

Gatsby Benchmark 8 Personal Guidance