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Local Full Governing Body

  1. The Governing Body is responsible for determining standing procedures for the organisation of its business and the business of entities it has established to provide advice or to whom functions are delegated i.e. committees and individual governors

School Education Committee

  1. To keep abreast of all Pastoral and Catholic matters affecting the quality of Catholic Education within the school, including Spiritual Development, exclusions, behaviour and student relevant issues
  2. To keep abreast of curriculum issues, developing awareness on behalf of the full Governing Body and investigating specific curriculum issues (by receiving briefs from the Headteacher and other professional staff on educational developments and their impact upon the school, and by responding to specific curriculum issues arising from OFSTED reports and advice from external advisors).
  3. To ensure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, by regularly reviewing the Curriculum Policy and by monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the policy through regular meetings with relevant staff.
  4. To monitor and evaluate the delivery of the curriculum and progress on implementing the School Development Plan (by receiving termly reports from staff and designated Governors on teaching & learning issues and on School Self Evaluation, and by annually reviewing public examination results).
  5. Identify  priorities for the School Development Plan and to consider the draft plan for discussion and approval by the Governing Body.
  6. To recommend to the Governing Body (in consultation with the Headteacher) targets for student attainment in the following school year at KS4 and KS5 and to monitor achievement against these and other internal school targets
  7. To ensure the needs of children with special educational needs and in vulnerable groups are met by receiving termly reports on SEN and inclusion provision from the SEN Governor.
  8. To review and evaluate regularly (annually or biennially, as specified in each policy) the policies delegated to the committeeby the Governing Body, including those relating to the curriculum, SEN, collective worship, race equality, student behaviour/discipline, student welfare.
  9. To nominate a member to encourage and monitor governor training, in liaison with the Clerk.


School Business Commitee

  1. Finance
  2. Premises and Services
  3. Personnel Recruitment
  4. Staff and Governor Development
  5. Other Staff Issues
  6. To carry out the School's Admission function