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Year 11 Futures Meetings

Each year in the Spring term we hold Futures meetings for our Year 11 students.

These meetings take place over two evenings. Parents and carers, together with their child(ren) are invited into the school to meet 1:1 with a member of SLT and the Director of Sixth Form to reflect upon their recent mock exam results and to discuss their chosen post-16 pathway. The objective of this focused and target-driven discussion is to ensure that Year 11 students are well planned and prepared for their upcoming GCSE examinations, including identifying the best ways in which the school can best support them. 

SLT are there to guide students to help them make informed choices about their future and answer any questions parents/carers may have.

There is also a presentation from the Director of Sixth Form covering the key information of: revision preparation and techniques, examination expectations, the Sixth Form Induction, Results Day and careers support and provision the Sixth Form offers.

Futures Meeting Dates:

Monday 25th April 2024

Tuesday 26th April 2024



Gatsby Benchmark 1

Gatsby Benchmark 3