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National Careers Week 2024

National Careers Week 2024 runs from Monday 4th March until Friday 8th March. National Careers Week is a chance to focus on careers guidance and education, giving students the opportunity to understand, realise and fulfil their career goals. Its aim is to help young adults feel confident about their future and focus on what they need to do now to accomplish their career dreams.

With careers guidance and education in mind, our external Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser was present in the canteen during lunchtimes on Monday 4th March answering lots of questions from students about how to pursue their career goals, the routes to go down, the opportunities to look out for and opportunities to explore.

We also had the Careers Adviser from Harlow College set up a pop up careers advice stand outside the library during both lunch breaks on Tuesday 5th March. Careers cards detailing the Super 6 Careers within industries were flying out and a welcoming careers buzz filled the air.



Students in every year group had a National Careers Week focused assembly and all year groups took part in our NCW form-time activity. During curriculum lessons, teachers linked curriculum learning to careers with lesson starter activities and videos linking career opportunities and apprenticeships to their subject. 

Our focus for National Careers Week alongside personal guidance was labour market information and how young adults can learn from looking at labour market information.  

Labour Market Information (LMI) is the name for facts and figures about jobs and employment. The information is used to give an overall picture of the past, present and future of work. Students were guided to the importance of labour market information and where to find it.

For more information on Labour Market Information, please click here

We have posters of recently published labour market information for East Herts, provided by HOP in the Careers Library. We also have a display board along our hallway with HOT JOBS, jobs that are / will be in demand. Labour Market information is available to all students through their Unifrog account. Students have access to their Unifrog account 24/7 and can find this information through the Careers Library.

During National Careers Week, attention was drawn to jobs that may not exist in the near future and we looked into why these jobs will be no more. We also looked at jobs that will be in demand in the next 10-30 years and even jobs that might not exist yet!

Parent Guide

#NCW2024 gives parents a chance to learn more about different career paths their teens can take. This guide was sent home to all parents and carers through the weekly headlines to assist them in the important discussions of future careers at home. 

The National Careers Week website held a virtual careers fair where students, educators and organisations were able to meet with employers such as Natwest, NHS, WWF, STEM Learning and Engineering UK virtually. Students were passed information about this event daily and Sixth Formers were encouraged to take part in the virtual fair.

For more information on National Careers Week, click here.

NEW DATES FOR 2025:      3rd - 8th March 2025

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