St Marys Prospectus 2024-25

1 St Mary’s Catholic School B I SHOP ’ S STORTFORD

2 Welcome to the St Mary’s family It is my honour to welcome you to our school. Thank you for expressing an interest in our school – we welcome you as part of our family. In this prospectus we have set out the very essence and foundation of who we are, what we do and why we do it: simply put, the driving force for all that we do is ‘Excellence for All’. The goal for all staff at St Mary’s is that all children of all abilities should be able to achieve excellence spiritually, academically and socially. In the Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes tells us ‘A cord of three strands is not easily broken’ and so underpinning our school family are three key strands: Gospel values, Academics and Enrichment. Each is crucial in the development of our students but placing the Gospel values first is intentional, as this is the heartbeat of our school. Our school was founded on Catholic principles and we have not deviated from that path since the school’s first day back in 1896. This does not mean that you have to share our Catholic faith, but it does mean that your child will have the opportunity to explore and contemplate their faith and be instructed in the ways and values of Christ. Indeed, as you read about our central involvement in the St Francis of Assisi Trust, the life of St Francis is itself the template we endeavour to copy. Every child entrusted in our care is seen as the unique thumbprint of God. Together, as brothers and sisters we help our children discover their gifts and talents and use these to contribute to the child’s growth academically, spiritually, artistically and creatively to be the person God has chosen them to be. Academically we have a proud record of developing and supporting students of every ability and background to reach their full potential. Naturally, it is a vital area for any school and we leave no stone unturned in our efforts to encourage each child to aim high and discover their purpose in life. We hope that you will be pleasantly surprised when you discover the wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities available to students at St Mary’s. Each year there are trips and visits to satisfy the most enquiring and active of minds: Maths trips to New York, Geography lessons whilst standing on Icelandic volcanoes or PE lessons on the Alps and Pyrenees…plus lots more! We are thankful that you are considering entrusting your child to us. Be assured that we consider it a privilege. Deirdre McHugh Headteacher “We see every person in our care as a unique thumbprint of God.”

3 Our Vision We are a Catholic community dedicated to achieving excellence for all, producing young people formed by Gospel values to become responsible, compassionate and caring members of society whilst fulfilling their potential in all aspects of the curriculum.

4 Prayer and access to the sacraments are integral to school life here at St Marys. All students and staff are encouraged to explore and articulate their faith, to deepen their love and respect for Christ and His Gospel and to live out their faith journey in a practical, meaningful way. Our school chapel enables us to provide a safe and calm environment to support students in their prayer life. Our central location within St Joseph and the English Martyrs parish gives all students regular access to Mass and the support of our parish priests. Gospel values Lottie – In my first week at St Mary’s I have found that the teachers are very sympathetic to everything being new to us. They are very kind and patient with us all and lessons are fun and interesting. Also, you don’t get homework every day! Anwen – I enjoy Form Time at the start of the day. We stand and say a prayer together as a Form community. It’s a lovely, peaceful and reflective way to begin each school day. Maya – Each Friday we spend Form Time in a time of reflection called Examen for the week that has passed. We are prompted to think about what we are grateful for, sorry for and what we each want to improve upon. I thanked God that He had helped me through my first week of secondary school. Israel – Faith is very important to me and my family, hence my name. Going to a faith school was always important to us and so far I have especially enjoyed how prayer is such a big part of school life. I know God is with me here and I can see a good future for myself. “St Mary’s is a unique school in Bishop’s Stortford: we not only support students academically but we also guide them spiritually serving a wide catchment area” Mr Hutchinson Head of Catholic Life

5 William – I am grateful for the Induction Day that we had towards the end of the summer term. Having taster lessons and meeting people from other schools meant that when we arrived in September there were already some familiar faces. We also had an Assembly on our Induction Day and met our Head of Year, which really helped a lot. Max – I have been impressed with how much other students are willing to help. It’s quite easy to get lost in a new school but I feel comfortable asking for help from everyone. On your first day, it’s just Year 7 students at the school and that was a good way to start. Ivy – I’ve made brand new friends straight away. Part of that is because the teachers encourage you to mix and share with new people; they’re very supportive that way.

6 “Our academic vision of ‘Excellence for All’ ensures personalised and adaptive teaching to meet the needs of every child”

7 Academics Academic achievement is a priority at St Mary’s as we strive for Excellence for All. We see it as our mission to support each and every student in fulfilling their potential, inspiring many to achieve higher than perhaps they first thought possible. At St Mary’s, each lesson is purposefully crafted to ensure that all students have the best opportunity to learn, be challenged and develop every day. Form tutors work tirelessly with our students and their families to guide and nurture them towards discovering their vocation in life. Wiktor (Y12) – Family members work in Medicine and I have always held strong values about helping people to lead better lives. I have always been willing to be dedicated to my studies in order to prepare myself for a job in Medicine, perhaps Radiology. I know I will have to work hard and be resilient and that is my intention. Efua (Y11) – I am looking to continue my studies into St Mary’s Sixth Form and hope this will lead to a career in paediatrics. In my experience, there is nothing that beats hard work and focus. If you are really interested in improving yourself or you truly want to achieve something then you can attend extra classes or after-school revision boosters. Richard (Y12) – My advice is that you have to decide for yourself that you are going to work hard at school and to motivate yourself. Class work is one thing, but there are lots of ways to learn beyond that. I am aiming to study at Cambridge and Neurosurgery is one option for me. Joaquin (Y12) – As the years go by at St Mary’s you will build up a community of friends and teachers who will spur you on to be the best that you can be. For me, I am particularly keen on Physics – so it might actually be rocket science! Isabella (Y12) – I am pleased with my academic progress and I am headed towards a creative career in media. St Mary’s has provided me with personal guidance and support to keep me on track and focused on what I want to do. As you journey through the Key Stages at St Mary’s you’ll find it different but in a good way! Hector (Y11) – My next academic step is the Sixth Form at St Mary’s, choosing the best subjects to move towards my career goals. I was born blind and have had forty operations since then. All teachers and support staff at St Mary’s have worked really hard to give me the best opportunities – 1:1 support, modified class materials and adapted learning methods. Good teachers are the key to academic success and I have had them throughout. “Excellence for All underpins all of our teaching at St Mary’s. Our teachers ensure that all children, whatever their starting point, are appropriately challenged by a rigorous and contemporary curriculum that is adapted for each student’s individual educational needs.”

8 Joining the St Mary’s family is so much more than “coming to school” and going to lessons. Some extra-curricular activities might appear obvious - the sports teams, the school plays – but there are a host of opportunities coming your way that you might never have dreamt of being possible and all designed to support your education and development. International trips, motivational speakers, rappers and professional sports people coming to talk to you: something exciting is on offer every year. We have dipped into our archive to share just a few examples… Extra-Curricular and Enrichment Enrichment Scrapbook Iceland Tour The awe and wonder of the land of fire and ice. Students gained an understanding of plate tectonics and the challenges and opportunities of living in hazardous environments. Aim High trip to Oxford University We look to give all our students the best opportunities to fulfil their true potential and university is an aspirational destination for many. We were able to support some of our Year 12 students with a visit to Oxford University to experience a unique insight into the Oxbridge environment.

9 New York, USA Our Maths enrichment trip to the Big Apple offers students the chance to visit the famous MoMaths Museum in Manhattan. Students also experience the cultural enrichment of being in New York, including all of the iconic sites such as Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral and enjoying a show on Broadway! Jump! Trampoline Park Trip We end each academic year with celebratory trips for each year group to reward their efforts and have a chance to have fun together as part of the St Mary’s family. Our Year 7 trip to Jump! was a reward for house points and achievement for our Year 7s. Ski Trip , Spain Our annual ski trip is always a popular opportunity to unwind, have fun and, for many, to try a new sport. Last year, students developed their skiing skills and saw the beauty of the mountains for themselves in the Spanish Massella ski resort. Cern, Switzerland Many of our student pursue a career in the Sciences. Our trip to Cern offers students the chance to see the real world of cutting-edge Physics research and a valuable insight into the range of scientific careers available to them.

10 For many St Mary’s students, the annual trip to Lourdes has been life-changing as they volunteer with the charity ‘Across to Lourdes’ to support other people on their pilgrimages. These pilgrims – often children – require extra assistance because of all manner of challenges they live with daily. Our students return with a very different outlook on life afterwards having lived out our values of ‘Love, Respect & Flourish’. Lourdes, France Walton on the Naze Caring for our environment is a theme that runs through several topics in the curriculum. On their trip to Walton on the Naze, students were able to evaluate the impact of coastal management. They picked up fieldwork skills to use in their individual investigations. Harry Potter Studio visit Whilst many would simply thrill at the tour of a much loved film set, the greater purpose was how to link mathematics with media. Guardian Newspaper Many trips have the aim of giving students a true sense of the modern working environment. Here, we visited one of the biggest independent news agencies in the UK and to understand the news gathering and reporting processes.

The next step in your journey Choosing to join St Mary’s is so much more than just another step in your journey of education, it is choosing to join a school family that is committed to Excellence for All underpinned by the Gospel values of ‘Love, Respect & Flourish’. We love every student in our care, respect them as the unique thumbprint of God and work tirelessly to enable each and every one of them to flourish academically and personally to realise their full potential. With hard work, the best support and God’s help, everything is possible here at St Mary’s. Our cohort is full of happy, fulfilled and valuable members of society shaped during their seven-year journey by their supporters and their education. 11 Fabio (Y9) – A role in business is where I think I am headed. It’s a little early to say exactly what career I might pursue but I can say for sure what my inspiration is. My parents have been a constant encouragement and have shown me that studying and applying myself will open doors for me. I’m pushing myself to my limit. Paschal (Y11) – I intend to compete in the 2028 Olympics in sprinting events. As soon as it became clear I could run fast, I’ve had lots of support and encouragement from the school, family and coaches. I’m currently in the Top 15 sprinters in the UK for my age and can run 100 metres in under eleven seconds. My running shoes are my pride and joy but I can also imagine a career in product design too. Marie (Y12) – My Sixth Form experience has been positive and I am working towards a career centred on my love of Maths. The teachers here have been a constant source of support and encouragement and my immediate step is university, hopefully Cambridge. Data Science is a topic I will explore. Franklyn (Y10) – My parents are my inspiration. Since moving here from Ghana as a family, I have seen how they themselves have studied to become involved in medicine and helping others. That’s my ambition too; I aim to get a degree in medicine and then become a doctor in a specialist area. Mai (Y8) – My dream is to be a professional Gaelic football player. I have been involved in the sport since I was four and have achieved high levels already. If not, I might like to be a coach or a P.E Teacher. At St Mary’s, you’ll get lots of opportunities to play a variety of sports. It’s not all about winning, try and enjoy it. Laura (Y13) – A career in Law appeals to me. I’m interested in worldwide affairs and politics and have a strong sense of justice and fairness. I’m especially interested in Corporate Law and am looking at a degree with the option of studying abroad for a couple of years within the course. The teachers at St Mary’s have helped me enormously and are always looking out for my best interests.

The St Francis of Assisi Trust – our extended family They are the words of St Francis of Assisi, the celebrated saint who dared to take the Gospel literally. In 2021 we joined the St Francis of Assisi Trust alongside a cohort of brothers and sisters at local Catholic Primary Schools. Together, we took inspiration from the life of our Patron Saint and created a set of values that we adhere to. Community At St Mary’s this means we build supportive and encouraging communities by celebrating and recognising achievements, keeping our Chaplaincy teams at the heart of school life. Creation At St Mary’s this means we are each caretakers of God’s creation, recognising it as our individual and collective responsibility to care for the world around us. We model behaviour that inspires our students to take this from the classroom and into their lives beyond our gates. Compassion At St Mary’s this means we show the love of Christ by working for the Common Good through supporting charities locally, within our diocese and internationally, both practically and through fundraising initiatives. Peacemakers At St Mary’s we show the love of God to all by offering forgiveness, supporting each other through mentoring and anti-bullying schemes, and providing opportunities to reflect prayerfully on resilience, positive mental health and wellbeing. These values sit naturally within our longstanding vision to be a community dedicated to achieving Excellence for All, producing people shaped by Gospel values to become responsible, compassionate and caring members of society whilst fulfilling their potential in all aspects of the curriculum. St Mary’s Catholic School Windhill, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 2NQ 01279 654901 “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what’s possible and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.” St Francis of Assisi